Re: Cost to see a film?
Fri, 11 Nov 1994 14:12:02 CST
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
I live in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
The minimum wage here is R$ 70.00
The theatres ticket cost
monday-thursday fridays-sundays and hollidays
Theatres R$ 2.50 R$ 4.00
Theatres in Shopping
Centers R$ 3.50 R$ 5.00
Big mac R$ 2.42
US$ 1.00 = R$ 0.84 (11.10.94 prices may vary from one day to the other)
The theatres are receiving better public from monday to thursday.
In the Carnival all theatres cost 1.00 and this makes them really full.
Maria da Penha DS9@BRCPRM