new self-referential movie email list (Fwd)
Sun, 4 Dec 1994 14:52:44 PST
From: MX%"[log in to unmask]",MX%"[log in to unmask]" 1-DEC-1994 20:48:32.25
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Subj: NEW: Movies-seivoM - Discusses self-referential movies
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Subject: NEW: Movies-seivoM - Discusses self-referential movies
To: Multiple recipients of list NEW-LIST <[log in to unmask]>
Movies-seivoM via [log in to unmask]
Movies-seivoM, the Self-Referential Movies Mailing List, recommends
and discusses movies that "break the 4th wall" and display a
more-overt- than-usual awareness of themselves as movies. Movies
about Hollywood, movies where someone appears "as himself,"
movies-within-movies, movies that play with genre conventions or
comment on the phenomenon of stardom, are all fertile territory.
We're particularly interested in older movies, cartoons, silent
films, foreign films, shorts and documentaries, and how this kind of
recursion showed up in anecdotes, still photographs, fan magazines,
We hope for thoughtful brief essays rather than scattershot
references. Please avoid Mel Brooks movies unless you have some
stunning insights.
To join the list, send an email with "Subscribe" as the Subject to:
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Owner: Barbara Bernstein [log in to unmask]
DISCLAIMER: NEW-LIST announcements are edited from information
provided by the original submitter. We do NOT verify the technical
accuracy nor any claims made in the announcements nor do we
necessarily agree with them. We do not warranty or guarantee any
services which might be announced - use at your own risk. For more
information send e-mail to [log in to unmask] with the command
GET NEW-LIST README in the body. mgh