input concerning research project - children's television in France
Tue, 8 Sep 2009 10:16:30 +0200
Dear all,
I am beginning to work on a French research project to analyze the
current French TV cartoon offer for young children (and possibly extend
the analysis to older kids).
One of the main issues I will analyze is what has happened/is happening
to public television in France through this perspective of children's
programming, specifically by comparing cartoon production . Cartoons are
the dominant genre of children's programming in France. In reference to
preschool cartoons, my proposal entails comparing the programming of
France's main public channel (France 5) to a few of the main private and
thematic cartoon cable/satellite channels.
Having been an insignificant player until the 1980s, France ranks today
as the world's third largest producer of television cartoons. France is
also Europe's greatest animation producer ( an average of 280 hours for
the years of 2000-2005). France ranks as Europe's biggest exporter (62,3
million Euros in 2004). Animation is also the genre most produced by the
French (followed by documentaries and fiction). The bulk of this cartoon
production (80% of the total) comprises series with episodes in the 13
or 26 minute format, destined for 6 to 10 year-olds, with an average
budget of 3-7 million Euros for a series of 26 minutes (26 episodes).
(CNC 2006)
My comparison of current programming would analyze criteria such as
genre, cultural/educational content, format, cost (when available),
audience ratings (if available), production data, and the advertisements
that are shown along with the series (product type, message). I propose
to compare the cartoon series programming during one week, from 6
a.m.-midnight, during the regular cartoon series season (outside
vacations and holidays). My comparison would include the following five
channels: France 5 (free, public), TF1 (free, private), Piwi and Tiji
(thematic, private, cable), Disney (thematic, private, foreign, cable).
Main hypotheses
One of my main hypotheses, based on my readings so far, is that, if
compared to the selected private channels, the main public channel for
preschool children's animation in France (France 5) will not display any
significant difference concerning the series' genres, the percentage of
educational content compared to exclusively entertaining themes, the
cultural and artistic quality level, and the series formats. It is proof
that, in reference to multiple criteria, children's cartoon programming
on public television in France is indistinguishable from the programming
of private channels. However, there may be other criteria where we may
find significant differences and I hope that the proposed comparison
will bring them to light (for exemple, differences concerning the number
of original French productions, advertisement (quantity, product type,
target), and audience measurements).
Another important hypothesis is that one of the cardinal functions of
the French public channels as it concerns the animation market is to
fortify the French animation industry. However, the main production
companies in this sector are private, forming a monopoly of
approximately 10 companies. Consequently, this means that the public
television channels are at the service of this private monopoly. (The
exact manner of how the public channels co-finance and co-produce
cartoon series is not clear to me at this point, but it is another
important aspect of the complexity found in this mixed public-private
dynamics of the current French television animation industry).
Nevertheless, this monopolistic structure is not absolute, allowing the
participation of other less important companies along with a variety of
other players active in the marketplace. Moreover, this support function
of the public channels for the French animation producers is further
reinforced by various types of aid offered by the French government
along with other more recent European initiatives to support all
European animation industries.
If this subject or research proposal is of interest to any list members,
I would very much appreciate receiving comments on the proposed research
project or structure, or suggestions for related bibliography.
Best regards,
V Britto
Univ. de Toulouse
Toulouse, France
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