CFP for SCMS Panel: Transnational Media Bodies
Mon, 2 Jul 2012 18:23:09 -0700
The following is a CFP for a panel at next year's SCMS conference.
Panel Title: Transnational Media Bodies
This panel proposes to investigate media’s engagement with the varying
social, political, and economic inflections of what has become one of the
most salient characteristics of the global age: the movement of bodies.
Terms like “transnationalism” and “globalization” are predicated on the
circulation of mobile capital and labor that increasingly blur the
boundaries of national and cultural identities.
Intense debate over a range of issues that address precisely these forms of
movement – such as terrorism and illegal immigration – implicitly must
account for what kinds of people are allowable for circulation within the
new structures of the world’s geopolitical and economic priorities. Such
debates also draw attention to the types of bodies deemed illegitimate for
such circulation.
This panel welcomes essays that engage the various legal, paralegal, and
illegal processes that inform, or are otherwise informed by, a particular
management, or valuation of bodies that move (or do not move) across
demarcated political, social, or geographical boundaries. The panel
likewise welcomes essays addressing circulations within the body itself,
exploring the body as a site where meaning is generated within its actual
physical makeup. What values do we accord bodies that exhibit signs of a
new global era? How are the movements and circulations that characterize
global travel and commerce correlate to the physical bodies of its
Possible topics may include: transnational corporatism, stateless
terrorism, militarism abroad, immigration, diaspora, various forms of
trafficking, multi-cultural, multi-racial, or multi-ethnic identities,
cyborgs, physical or psychological abuse resulting from the above
categories, etc.
*Please submit 250-300 word abstracts with brief bio to Sophia Siddique
Harvey ([log in to unmask]) and Mike Dillon ([log in to unmask]) by the end of
this month, 7/31.*
All the best.
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