Sat, 3 Dec 1994 15:58:38 EST
I don't know if Jeremy will thank me for the following but:
Some other disciplines (e.g., philosophy) maintain filelists of papers
presented at conferences, pre-prints of papers submitted for publication,
papers not-quite-ready-for-primetime for comments, etc.
The SCREEN-L FILELIST could informally serve in a similar fashion. Maybe
we could persuade Jeremy to publish a version of the FILELIST along with
his SCREEN-L GUIDELINES once a month. All that it would take is submission
of papers by SCREEN-L participants.
As I understand the process, papers can be sent as mail (e.g., uploaded
as ASCII files and sent to Jeremy) or as floppies printed to ASCII
(or the Mac version). When a word processing program is used to write
the paper, sending it on to SCREEN-L is almost easier than mailing copies
to friends and enemies for comments.
Cal Pryluck, Radio-Television-Film, Temple University, Philadelphia
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