Movie Critic Michael goodwin on line
Sun, 4 Dec 1994 15:56:27 PST
For those who might be interested, movie critic Michael
Goodwin (who put up his critical workin' shoes a while back) is back,
and on a new on-line magazine, Addicted To Noise. Goodwin used to write
for Rolling Stone and numerous other journals or magazines. He and
several well-known music critcs (Greil Marcus, Dave Marsh, and others)
have started Addicted To Noise. I had a chance to scan through it
over the weekend, and found it at least interesting.
Here is the WorldWideWeb address:
Although the magazine mostly focuses on music (esp. alternative music),
the journal is more like the early Creem and early Rolling Stone
(meaning it is supposed to focus on many aspects of modern culture,
and not just a way to sell records).
Doug Simpson (if you can telnet, you can get to the WWW... email
me if you need more info.)