Re: Berlin Wall in Film
Fri, 15 Jan 1999 14:24:14 -0700
_Wings of Desire (Der Himmel uber Berlin)_ by Wenders shows the wall in
close-up and is very much about post WW II Berlin. It was filmed
just prior to the wall coming down.
_Prisoner of St. Petersburg_ starring Noah Taylor and
Solveig Dommartin is set in Berlin, which Taylor, who has a
Russian obsession, keeps imagining to be St. Petersburg.
Sharon Knolle
>There is a class concentrating on the Berlin Wall and the Cold War. Can
>you help with feature films and documentaries which have images of the air
>lift, check point Charlie, Brandenburg Gate, Post WWII Berlin, and pulling
>down the wall.
>We've ID the following: Funeral in Berlin, Living Daylights, Octopussy,
>Smiley's People, Third Man, A Foreign Affair, Something to Do with the
>Wall, Russia House, Spy who came in from the cold, and Escape from East
Screen-L is sponsored by the Telecommunication & Film Dept., the
University of Alabama.