Re: Cinerama Locations in U.S. (not)
Fri, 7 Apr 2000 03:14:58 +0000
Mike Hammond comments:
>I am surprised Leo Entinknap hasn't responded to this. I believe there is a
>cinemarama in England and it is in Bradford in the cinema next to the
>Bradford Museum of Film and Photography. The museum has an IMAX cinema as
>well so if you're looking for big formats and a love of the history of
>cinema exhibition that's the place to go.
The reason I didn't mention it is that Bradford hardly meets the criterion
of 'in the US'...
The National Museum of Film, Photography and Television in Bradford (West
Yorkshire, UK) does indeed have both a working three-projector Cinerama and
an IMAX cinema under one roof. At the widescreen weekend last month (part
of the Bradford Film Festival) WINDJAMMER and HOW THE WEST WAS WON were
shown, as well as a number of single-strip 70mm films on the curved screen.
Due to pressure of work I was only able to make it to one screening; a
badly acetylated and Eastmancolor-faded 70mm print of THOSE MAGNIFICENT MEN
IN THEIR FLYING MACHINES. However the lovely six-channel magnetic sound,
the politically incorrect jokes, and, most importantly, the presence of Ken
Annakin (the film's octogenerian director) more than compensated for the
pink print.
Bradford is an easy three-hour train ride or one-hour flight from London
and so the museum is easily reached by visitors from the U.S. or elsewhere.
Out of interest, does anyone know of any cinema (in the world will do,
though I may not be able to get there) that has working horizontal-motion
Vistavision projectors and still uses them? I've always been intrigued as
to what the format actually looks like in projection.
Leo Enticknap
Technical Manager
City Screen Cinemas (York) Ltd..
Coney St., York YO1 9QL.
United Kingdom
Telephone: 01904 612940 (work); 01904 673207 (home); 0410 417383 (mobile)
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