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December 1993


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Christopher Sheid <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 1 Dec 1993 17:16:04 -0600
text/plain (49 lines)
     My name is Christopher Sheid, and I'm conducting a research project here
at Valparaiso University.  My topic is the MPAA rating system, its usefulness,
and the perceptions about it among film viewers.  In the interest of your time
and convenience, I will keep this very short.  Basically, I'd like you to
answer 11 questions on a scale of 1 to 5.  1 = strongly agree, 2 = agree, 3 =
neutral, 4 = disagree, and 5 = strongly disagree.  The survey is bare bones in
the interest of time, but its pretty explanatory.  If you want to add
additional comments afterward please do so.  Please send responses to my e-mail
address, C460SHEID, so we don't clog up the listserve.  Thank you for your time
and cooperation.
1.  I have seen NC-17 films in my local theater.                1 2 3 4 5
2   My local video store carries NC-17 or unrated films.
3   I would, or do, rent the NC-17/unrated versions when
4.  If both r-rated and NC-17 versions of a film were shown
    in local theaters, I would see the NC-17.
5.  I believe the NC-17 rating is ineffective and/or under-used
6.  I believe the rating system, as a whole, is effective for
    informing parents of a film's content for children.
7.  I agree that children should be legally prevented from seeing
    films denied them by the rating system.
8.  I would suport an alternate rating system where the content
    of a film is listed for the parents, but the film is not
    actually rated.  (I.e. "This film contains graphic violence
    and sexual situations.")
9.  I would support an alternate ratings system wherea film's
    possible effects on children are listed, but no one is
    prohibited from seeing the film.  (I.e. "This film contains
    violence possibly harmful to children ages 3-7.  V:3-7.")
10. I would support the removal of any sort of rating system.
11. I would support government censorship of films I deemed
    unsuitable for watching.
You may just send your responses, or you may respond and then add comments.
Thank you for your help.