Re: Vietnam Footage
Mon, 24 Apr 1995 10:21:54 CDT
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>>>Help! This is a little out of my league! I need to find some video shot
in Vietnam in the early 70's (I think). A South Vietnamese soldier was
"escorting" a VC and decided to shoot him in the head, all of which was
recorded on tape. The tape (and still from it) were shown around the
world, but I don't have a clue as to how to locate it.<<<
The tape(film) your looking for was of a So. Viet Police commander arresting
a suspected VC during the Tet offensive, bringing him before the assembled
press, and very calmly pulling his nickel-plated .38, and putting one through
this guy's head.
This is/was one of the most famous and disturbing images of the Vietnam
conflict/war/whatever, and should be available at almost ANY stock footage
house. Check the back of almost any trade mag for a wide listing of houses
and start calling. For a quick try, check out this on the internet:
Stock Footage
On-Line & On-Demand -
(508) 369-9696
Good luck! This is ONE shot you shouldn't have too much trouble finding.