Screenplay as Literature
Sat, 5 Nov 1994 09:12:09 CST
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Just got my new Norton Anthology of Am. Lit. in the mail, 4th Edition, Vol.
2, and noticed right away the inclusion of Mamet's screenplay "House of
Games." The write-up on the back mentions it as an "increasingly important
literary form." Been asking around the Swedish and English departments
here at the U of Karlstad if anyone has even heard of anyone anywhere using
a screenplay as a literary source in a non film/theatre studies classroom,
and I've yet to find an affirmative.
Naturally, everyone agrees that the use of a dramtic text (stage) in
literary studies is ancient and respectable.
No one I've talked to so far wants to fight it, afterall, these are the
days of the all-embracing canon restructuring, but most seem hesitant as
well. These are the types of replies so far: "But screenplays are not
meant to be read," "Isn't there a lot of camera techno-babble?" "I suppose
this is another specialty arena we now have to consider including," and
"But how can you separate production from text?" Most have never read a
published screenplay, not even a Bergman.
I'd like to hear from anyone out there with knowledge and/or experience of
the screenplay as a literary text. Can anyone suggest books or articles
that pick up the issue?
Marcus Richey [log in to unmask]
University of Karlstad, Sweden English, American Studies