Making MediaCommons
Tue, 7 Nov 2006 16:06:47 +0000
Hello all,
I'm writing to let you know of an important development in the
MediaCommons project, the media studies "press" that grew out of the
meeting that we held on the future of scholarly publishing this past
April at USC. The Institute for the Future of the Book (with the
support of the MacArthur Foundation and the Annenberg Center for
Communication at USC) has just launched making MediaCommons, a
planning site where the project will begin to develop in public: making MediaCommons
currently consists of three simple parts: 1) A weblog where Kathleen
Fitzpatrick and Avi Santo, as founding editors, will think out loud and work with the
emerging community to develop the full MediaCommons vision. 2) A
call for "papers" -- scholarly projects that engagingly explore some
aspect of media history, theory, or culture through an adventurous use of
the broad palette of technologies provided by the digital network. These
will be the first round of texts published by MediaCommons at the time of
its launch. 3) "In Media Res" -- an experimental feature where each week
a different scholar will present a short contemporary media clip
accompanied by a 100-150 word commentary, alongside which a community
discussion can take place. In Media Res is presented as just one of
the many possible critical activities that MediaCommons could
eventually host. With this feature, we are also making a stand on
"fair use", asserting the right to quote from the media for scholarly,
critical and pedagogical purposes.
Currently on
the site, you'll find videos curated by:
Henry Jenkins (MIT) "Holding Out For a Hiro",
Jason Mittell (Middlebury College) "The Third Kind of Heat: 30 Rock & Overcooked Synergy",
Horace Newcomb "Deadwood: Reiventing the World" (University of Georgia and the
Director of the Peabody Awards),
Jeffrey Jones "The ESPN Effect" (Old Dominion University)
There's an open invitation for more curators.
Out of this site, the real MediaCommons will eventually emerge.
Launch will be in 2007, as early as Spring and as late as Fall,
depending on community response. I encourage you all to get involved
in the various discussions, to let us know your desires for
MediaCommons, and to take an active role in the network's development.
Thanks for helping us get to this point. Best,
Avi Santo, Ph.D. Assistant Professor
Department of Communication and Theatre Arts Old Dominion University
Norfolk, Virginia 23529 (757) 683-6971 [log in to unmask]
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