Re: A stupid question re: cartoon character
Sat, 18 Jul 1992 18:08:47 EST
In Regards to your letter <[log in to unmask]>:
> so trivia like this really captivates us). Here goes: those of
> us who grew up in the 60's remember a cartoon featuring a dog
> who would go nuts when he was given some kind of dog treat
> (a bone? a dog biscuit?). He would hug himself and make yummy
> sounds (to quote Gene Wilder in Young Frankenstein), and
> then float up into the air and back down. Any suggestions
> on the name of the dog or what this is from?
> Some people seem to remember it being from a cartoon show,
> while others think it was from a commercial; so far, the only
> name anyone has suggested is Scooby-Doo, and I KNOW it
> wasn't him.
> Any help in solving this mystery is greatly appreciated!
> --Sally Waters, Stetson Law Library (waters@stetson)
I remember the cartoon. I'm thinking the dog's name was Mutley but
I think that was from a later cartoon where the dog looked the same.
(Dog must have a good agent. :-) ) I think that was from Tom Slick
and super chicken where they had an ongoing car race which was kind
of like it's a mad, mad mad mad world, the movie.
It's not Mutley because Mutley had a wheezing laugh. It's funny because
I don't remember anything else about the cartoon other than the dog
hugging himself and floating in the air after getting a snack. I
can't even remember why he was given a snack. No doubt the dog was
not a method actor! :-)
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