Cities in Crisis: Cinema, Media and Urban Space.
Tue, 8 Nov 2016 13:52:15 -0600
Dear SCREEN-L subscribers,
We are pleased to announce the programme for a one-day symposium on cinema, media and the urban space that we are organising at the Department of Film Studies, King's College London.
Please find below the detailed schedule of the free event and a link for Eventbrite registration.
We hope to see you many of you on the day.
Adam Wyatt, Anna Viola Sborgi, and Jingan Young,
Cities in Crisis Organising Committee, King's College London.
Cities in Crisis: Cinema, Media and Urban Space.
09.45-18.45 Saturday 19th November 2016. Department of Geography, Room K4U.12, 4th Floor, King's Building, Strand Campus, King’s College London.
Researchers from the Department of Film Studies at King’s College London are excited to announce a one day cinema, media and urbanism symposium. Life in the contemporary metropolis poses a range of challenges such as overpopulation, pollution, gentrification, urban sprawl and socio-political conflict. While it is widely acknowledged that cinema and media play an active role in efforts to negotiate these environmental obstacles, just how and to what effect they do so remains an open and fertile field of academic research. A series of papers, including keynote presentations by Prof Myria Georgiou (London School of Economics) and Dr Lawrence Webb (University of Sussex), will aim to reposition vital elements of this evolving debate and analyse the current impact of cinema and media on the world’s cities in crisis.
This one day symposium will conclude with a screening of Enrico Masi's Sur Les Jeux Olympiques, a round table discussion chaired by Dr Scott Rodgers (Birkbeck, University of London) and a wine reception.
Register on Eventbrite to attend this free event:
For any information please contact the organisers at [log in to unmask] or [log in to unmask] and follow us live on and Facebook:
Registration and Introduction 09.45-10.00
Morning Session 10.05 - 11.20
Adam Wyatt (King’s College London) “A History of Untold Violence: Memorialisation, Landscape and the Origins of Barbarism in Ethan and Joel Coen’s No Country for Old Men (2007)”
Jingan Young (King’s College London) “Cinematic Spaces of Soho: Please and Rebellion. Where the Kids get their Kicks!”
Anna Viola Sborgi (King’s College London) “Private and Public: The Articulation of Space in London’s Housing Crisis on Channel 4”
Break 11.20-11.35
Keynote Speaker 11.35-12.35
Myria Georgiou (London School of Economics) “Post-Brexit Blues: Londoners’ Digital Responses to the Crisis of Conviviality”
Lunch 12:35 - 13.35
Afternoon Session 13.35- 14.25
Rahoul Masrani (London School of Economics) “London and Cinema: A Dynamic Relationship”
Sander Holsgens (University College London) “Toward a Phenomenology of Skateboarding: Film and the Senses in Seoul, South Korea”
Break 14.25 - 14.40
Keynote Speaker 14.40- 15.40
Lawrence Webb (University of Sussex) “Nostalgia for Decline? Reimagining New York's Urban Crisis”
15.40 - 16.35
Martha Shearer (King’s College London) “Frances Doesn’t Live Here Anymore: Gender, Crisis, and the Creative City in Frances Ha (2012)”
Jennifer Wallace (King’s College London) “Cultural Memory in Stone: Varda, Romanticism and the Parisian Caryatids”
16.35-17.00 Screening Enrico Masi’s Sur Les Jeux Olympiques (2012)
17.00-17.45 Roundtable discussion chaired by Scott Rodgers (Birkbeck, University of London), with: Peter Jones (Queen Mary, University of London), David Kendall (Goldsmiths, University of London), and Mark Shiel (King's College London).
17.45 Closing Remarks and Wine Reception
Best Wishes,
Adam Wyatt, Anna Viola Sborgi, and Jingan Young,
Cities in Crisis Organising Committee, King's College London.
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