Job ad
Fri, 14 May 1999 19:46:18 -0500
Several positions starting Fall 1999, as specified below. All positions
include responsibility for teaching composition and general education courses.
Position number 3. One one-year, full time (4-course load) position for a
specialist in Media/Film Studies, with ability to teach film and theory.
Assistant Professor rank for doctorate; Instructor rank for ABD.
Requirements: doctorate or ABD at advanced stage of dissertation in English,
film studies, or other relevant discipline; evidence of two years’ successful
teaching at college level; active scholarly agenda demonstrated by
publications and professional activity. A successful interview and on-campus
teaching demonstration will be required.
Refer to job description by number in your letter. Send letter, c.v., all
transcripts, and three letters of recommendation (no writing samples) by June
15, 1999 to: Temporary Faculty Hiring Committee, English Department, Kutztown
University, Kutztown PA 19530. Kutztown is a member of the Pennsylvania State
System of Higher Education (PSSHE). An EO/AA Institution.
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