Mon, 21 May 2001 11:37:54 EDT
Just another reminder that the Journal of Popular Film and Television Special
Issue -- FANTASTIC VOYAGES: Science Fiction and Speculative Cinema -- is
still open for submissions and will be so until l September 200l.
MS: 20 pages with FN, MLA style, PC disc and 2 hard copies would be good,
SASE if return requested.
Indicate if you wish MS to be considered by regular editors of JPFT for
non-special issue publication.
PLease contact Harvey Roy Greenberg, MD, 320 West 86th Street, 3A, NYC NY
l0024-3l39 with MSS or questions. Also 2l2 595 5220, or [log in to unmask]
Screen-L is sponsored by the Telecommunication & Film Dept., the
University of Alabama: