Mon, 30 Jan 1995 15:35:09 CST
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Edwin Jahiel writes:
>.........I hasten to add that L i b e r a l is one of the best words in
>the American language. Whatever one's qualms about Teddy Kennedy ( I have
>none, BTW, since any life so scrutinized would reveal some personal aspects
>that are not exactly saintly), when, last week or so, he spoke so well
>(I-forget-where --was on tv, C-Span perhaps) and came right out telling
>Democrats that they should not shuffle, hem & haw,try to conciliate
>everyone play center-field, he stressed that Democrats ought to be proud of
>their Liberal history and not apologize for it. Right on! as we used to say
>years ago.
>Be this as it may, the fact remains that liberal (small font) and liberal
>(huge font) films,programs, etc. on TV are about just as common on networks
>(60 Minutes often is, directly or by implication) and on cable as they are
>on PBS.
I agree with Edwin. LIBERAL has been used too often lately to connote
someone who is infinately and hopelessly lost in ideals and one who has no
sense of "the real world." Rush Limbaugh uses the word in the same sense
that McCarthy used the term communist. To me, liberal means someone who has
an open mind and is caring and wants the best for people. This is not to
say that conservatives are not this way; some are, some are not...just as
there are liberals who ARE hopelessly lost. I am PROUD to call myself a
liberal, and I don't see it as a derogitory term, I see it as a phrase of
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