CFP (SCS 2000) Terrorism and the Media
Wed, 1 Sep 1999 15:41:38 CST6CDT
I am interested in receiving abstracts for a panel for the
Society for Cinema Studies conference in Chicago, March 9-
12, 2000 on the topic of Terrorism and the Media.
The representational practices in film and television
surrounding the issue of terrorism have a long history of
research in the social sciences and in counterinsurgency
studies, but they have not received sufficient attention in the
field of media studies. For this panel, I am looking for papers
which investigate a variety of representational practices
related to terrorism. Possible topics include:
–How are gender identities negotiated (e.g. the ‘feminization’
of terrorists)?
–The representation of female terrorists.
–Terrorism as transnational phenomenon and its
challenges to the nation state.
–How do film or television deal with terrorisms’ challenge to
the violence monopoly of the nation state?
–What is the connection between national broadcast
systems and representations of terrorism?
–How do the media attempt to define legitimate and
illegitimate violence?
–The politics of race and ethnicity in films about terrorism
(e.g. True Lies or Delta Force).
–The politics of covering domestic terrorism in the US (e.g.
Oklahoma City).
Email 300-400 word abstract by September 17, 1999 to:
Prof. Olaf Hoerschelmann
University of North Texas
Dept. of Radio, TV and Film
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Olaf Hoerschelmann, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Dept. of Radio, Television, Film
University of North Texas
Phone: (940) 369-7327
Fax: (940) 369-7838
Online resources for film/TV studies may be found at ScreenSite