Studies in French Cinema News May 2104
Fri, 9 May 2014 06:36:16 +0100
1. Susan Hayward Prize
2. Special Number SubStance
3. Conference: “Film Criticism in Arts magazine (1952-1966). Godard, Rivette, Rohmer and Truffaut away from Bazin's paradoxes”
4. CFP: EUPOP 2014
5. New Books
1. Susan Hayward Prize
Mary Harrod (King’s College, London) has won the Susan Hayward Prize for the second year running for 'Sweet Nothings? Imagining the Inexpressible in Contemporary French Romantic Comedy’, published in Studies in French Cinema 13:2. The Prize is awarded annually by the Editorial Board for the best article published in the previous year by an author registered as a Postgraduate Research Student at the time of submission.
2. Special Number SubStance
There is a newly published special issue of SubStance focused on the topic of ‘French Cinema and the Crises of Globalization’ (
3. Conference: “Film Criticism in Arts magazine (1952-1966). Godard, Rivette, Rohmer and Truffaut away from Bazin's paradoxes”
Date: June the 10th, 2014
Location: ICA Studio, Institute of Contemporary Arts (London, The Mall).
In order to attend the symposium, no admission fee is required. However, registration prior to the event is mandatory: please send an email containing name, surname and affiliation (if any) to [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>. French/English simultaneous interpretation through headphones will be provided.
11am: Registration
11:15am: Introduction
11:30am: Prof. Marc Dambre (Université de Paris III – Sorbonne Nouvelle): “Arts et hussards dans leur temps: 1954-1960”
12:20am: Respondent: Zahra Tavassoli Zea (University of Kent)
12:30am: Dr. Douglas Morrey (University of Warwick): “Jacques Rivette's Film Criticism for Arts”
1:20am: Respondent: Dr. Cecilia Sayad
1:30am: Lunch (not offered)
2:30pm: Prof. Antoine de Baecque (Université de Paris X – Nanterre): “Eric Rohmer critique de cinéma pour Arts”
3:20pm: Respondent: Dr. Richard Misek (University of Kent)
3:30pm: Dr. Marco Grosoli (University of Kent): “The Author Policy and its Political Underside. Arts in the wider context of the ‘Politique des auteurs’”
4:20pm: Respondent: Dominic Topp (University of Kent)
4:30pm: Break
5pm: Prof. Hervé Joubert-Laurencin (Université de Paris X – Nanterre): “André Bazin et la revue Arts”
5:50pm: Respondent: Dr. Mattias Frey (University of Kent)
6pm: Final discussion
4. CFP: EUPOP 2014
University of the Arts, London UK July 29th - 31st 2014
Individual paper and panel contributions are welcomed for the third
annual international conference of the European Popular Culture
Association (EPCA), to be held at the University of the Arts , London
UK (272 HIGH HOLBORN , London WC1) from July 29th - 31st 2014.
EUPOP 2014 will explore European popular culture in all its various
forms. This could include European Film (past and present),
Television, Music, Celebrity, The Body, Fashion, New Media, Comics and
Popular Literature, Sport, Heritage, and Curation. The special
streams will include themes such as Violence (Horror), Commodification
of Popular Culture, Sport, Spirituality (the Occult), Nationalism and
its Ideological Forms, Paganism (Celtic Studies, Nordic Mythologies),
and Technology.
Papers and Complete Panels for all strands will be subject to peer
review. Proposals for individual presentations must not exceed 20
minutes in length, and those for panels - not more than 90 minutes. In
the latter case, please provide a short description of the panel along
with individual abstracts. Poster presentations and video projections
are also warmly welcomed.
Proposals comprising a 300 word abstract, your full name, affiliation,
and contact details (as a Word-file attachment, not a PDF) should be
submitted to Pamela Church Gibson ([log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>).
5. New Books
Jacques Layani, Jacques Demy: Un portrait personnel, L’Harmattan.
Orlene Denice McMahon, Listening to the French New Wave: The Film Music and Composers of Postwar French Art Cinema, Peter Lang.
Griselda Pollock and Max Silverman (eds), CONCENTRATIONARY CINEMA: Aesthetics as Political Resistance in Alain Resnais's Night and Fog, Berghahn.
UFR Arts, Philosophie et esthétique, Paris 8, ALAIN CAVALIER, CINÉASTE ET FILMEUR, L’Harmattan.
Phil Powrie
Professor of Cinema Studies
Executive Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Human Sciences
The Elizabeth Fry Building
University of Surrey
Email: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>
Executive Assistant: Linda Ellis < [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> >/+44 (0)1483689445
Chief General Editor Studies in French Cinema:
Chair British Association of Film Television and Screen Studies:
Screen-L is sponsored by the Telecommunication & Film Dept., the
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