Bar Movies
Wed, 1 Jul 1992 15:02:10 EDT
More Bars in Movies
It was my initial impression that you (whomever it was who
originally asked for suggestions--sorry I lost original posting) just
wanted movies from the 20's-50's, but I guess I'll just jump on the
bandwagon and suggest some more recent films.
1. _Barfly_. Didn't
see it, but am familiar with Bukowsky's poetry and prose, and I'm sure
it's an informed look at bar subculture.
2. _The Hustler_. Classic bar/pooljoint movie with a marvelously
evocative atmosphere.
3. _The Color of Money_. Scorcese's sequel
to the above film. Underrated, in my opinion, one of Scorcese's greats
and one of the best films of the 80's----you can practically *smell* the
sleazy-greasy-yuppie 80's in this picture, if you'lll pardon the
disgusting imagery.
Well, there's what comes off the top of my head--if you really are
looking for films only in that particular period, I apologize, and would
hesitate to point out the "Martini's" bar scene in that sappy Capra
stand-by _It's a Wonderful Life_. What the hell does Capra know about
such things? :-)
J. Meissner
Brown University