Re: American dominance in film
Mon, 17 Nov 1997 11:36:40 -0600
Chris Worsnop objects:
> >
> >The point being: there is a huge quantity of non-USA cinema out there.
> >It never gets to the mainstream *in the USA* but it's in the mainstream
> >in its own culture.
> If only this were true!!
> My read on this topic is that it's not about getting "foreign" films into US
> cinemas, but getting indiginous films (if they even ever get made) onto the
> screens in their own countries. Well, that does not happen.
> Canadian films:
> A) do not get made (how will they get distributed, make money etc??)
> B) what very few are made, do not get exhibition, unless they are an item
> that fits into a major (US) distributor's pattern (like "Crash")
> C) tend less and less to benefit from financial incentives because of US
> complaints through NAFTA against "unfair trade practices"
> Cinema prices in Toronto are:
> $8.50 for regular screens, $9.50 in the new deep dish, large screen cinemas.
> Sorry. The same old song.
This has also been a problem for African cinema, as well. Those
directors who have made international reputations for themselves (and
whose films are screened in the US far less often than films from
Europe and parts of Asia) often have little or no exposure at home.
The reasons are many and complex, but they are tied into both the
problems of postcolonial film production and the problems of
Don Larsson
Donald Larsson, Mankato State U (MN)
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