Teaching position
Tue, 19 Mar 1996 20:42:38 CDT
The dept. of radio-TV-film at the Univ. of Texas at Austin is seeking
candidates for the position of Associate Professor of TV and Film
Production and Head of the production area.
Required qualifications:
--The ability to teach electronic media and film in the dept.'s
undergraduate and MFA programs --demonstrated skills commensurate with
assuming leadership of the Production faculty at the latest after the
first years in post, and the ability to continue to exercise that
responsibility for the following three years.
Preferred qualifications:
--A terminal degree; however, candidates with extensive creative and
teaching experience also will be considered. --Experience in
interactive multi-media and /or digital post-production.
Send resume, the names and phone# of three references, a statement of
creative and teaching priorities, and of administrative experience and
insights' and examples of creative works(VHS or SVHS tape, CD-Rom) to:
Dr. John D.H. Downing, Chair
Department of Radio-TV-film
The University of Texas at Austin
CMA 6.118
Austin, TX 78712-1091
Phone: 512-471-4071
Fax : 512-471-4077
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