Re: BLONDE VENUS -- query
Tue, 5 Nov 1996 12:12:07 +0000
On Thu, 31 Oct 1996 12:59:24 -0400 "Do not read this line."
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> . . . so, does anybody know of any [or, failing that, the likely source of
> any] authoritative or even relatively reliable evidence as to whether or
> or not the ending of the film as released represents ONLY a studio decision
Peter Baxter, "Just Watch: Sternberg, Paramount and
America", London, British Film Institute, 1994 (I might
have got the year wrong, but it's definitely early-mid 90s)
Leo Enticknap
Bill Douglas Centre for the History of Cinema and Popular Culture
*** look at our website on ***
University of Exeter, UK
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