CFP: The Changing Face of Evil in Film & TV
Wed, 8 Sep 1999 12:23:37 -0400
***Apologies for cross-postings***
"The Changing Face of Evil in Film and Television"
_Journal of Popular Film & Television_
Guest editor: Martin F. Norden, University of Massachusetts-Amherst
The conflict of good and evil is the engine that has driven many a film
and television program, but the nature of the depicted evil has often gone
critically unexamined. Evil has assumed many guises, from the relatively
passive evil of ordinary individuals to the collective evil of genocide,
and its moving-image representations have often been closely tied to
current socio-cultural phenomena. The _Journal of Popular Film &
Television_ seeks essays for a theme issue on the representation of evil
in film and television. Topics include, but are not limited to, the
*The film/TV representation of:
-the evils of colonialism, the Holocaust, apartheid, the KKK
-evil in the post-Soviet era (e.g., terrorism)
-corporate evil
-the banality of evil
*Distinctions among Hollywood and other production systems with regard to
the construction of evil
*The intersections of evil with race, ethnicity, nationality, class,
gender, sexuality, and disability
*The shifting nature of evil within film/TV genres
*The construction of evil in selected works by the same film/TV
*Visual/aural strategies for representing evil (e.g., the combination of
animated maps, archival footage, narration, and music in the "Why We
Fight" films)
*The changing nature of goodness in opposition to evil
Philosophical essays on the nature of evil are also welcome, provided they
are anchored in film/television studies.
Submissions should be no longer than 20 pages and conform to the MLA
style. Send three hard copies (with self-addressed, stamped envelope if
return is desired) no later than 31 Jan. 2000 to: Martin F. Norden,
Communication Dept., Box 34815, University of Massachusetts-Amherst,
Amherst, MA 01003-4815, USA. Do not submit diskettes at this time. No
faxed or e-mailed submissions, please. Address all queries to Prof.
Norden at the above address (phone: 413 545-0598, fax: 413 545-6399) or
<[log in to unmask]>.
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