A stupid question re: cartoon character
Sat, 18 Jul 1992 14:09:00 EST
Here's a stupid question that has been befuddling us at the Law
Library for several years now, and thus far no one has answered
it, at least not with an answer anyone else agrees on (we
usually get questions about legal opinions and judges and courts,
so trivia like this really captivates us). Here goes: those of
us who grew up in the 60's remember a cartoon featuring a dog
who would go nuts when he was given some kind of dog treat
(a bone? a dog biscuit?). He would hug himself and make yummy
sounds (to quote Gene Wilder in Young Frankenstein), and
then float up into the air and back down. Any suggestions
on the name of the dog or what this is from?
Some people seem to remember it being from a cartoon show,
while others think it was from a commercial; so far, the only
name anyone has suggested is Scooby-Doo, and I KNOW it
wasn't him.
Any help in solving this mystery is greatly appreciated!
--Sally Waters, Stetson Law Library (waters@stetson)