Re: The FSU Film School
Sat, 3 Dec 1994 12:16:42 -0500
I'm currently in the process of applying to film schools and I'm nowhere
close to an expert on the whole thing but from talking to people
and doing research on the topic, I've heard a lot of good stuff about
FSU. For those not willing to sell their souls...I mean, not willing
to live in Los Angeles or New York City :) ... FSU is one of the finer
programs around and it's reasonably priced. I think they're just
shifting their grad programs from Sarasota to Talahasee (wheere FSU's
undergrad programs are) this year so I dunno if that'll cause any problems.
They're a bitch to get through to though - I've only gotten an automated
system which says "Write us - we don't have time to talk to you" or
something to that effect.
FSU is one of the programs I'm applying to along with UNC-Greensboro,
Northwestern, Boston University and Temple. I think these are the best
around plus U of Texas at Austin which has already had their deadline for fall
1995 admission. The
best for those of us who'd rather work at McDonald's than live in LA
or NYC that is.