Calls for Winter/Spring IMR Curator
Tue, 20 Nov 2012 04:02:05 +0000
In Media Res is pleased to announce our upcoming calls for curators for Winter/Spring 2013 theme weeks:
HBO's Girls<> (Deadline November 26)
Late-Night Programming<> (Deadline December 3)
Documentary Film and Affect<> (Deadline December 17)
Taylor Swift<> (Deadline December 21)
Awaiting Arrested Development's Return<> (Deadline December 26)
Taste Culture and Awards Season<> (Deadline December 28)
For more information, please visit our website at
Academics, journalists, critics, media professionals and fans are all welcome to submit proposals.
The actual curated piece should include a 30-second to 3-minute clip, an image, or a slideshow accompanied by a 300 to 350 word response to/contextualization of the clip, image, or slideshow. In addition to curating your piece, you will be asked to engage with the other pieces presented that week as a means of fostering discussion and further fleshing out the individual topic in relation to the week's theme.
Also, this week's In Media Res theme focus is Most Commented Posts of 2012 (November 19 - November 23, 2012). You can check out the line-up here:
***Reminder: We recently phased out our weekly email to our mailing list members. However, you can still keep up-to-date on all IMR happenings and current theme weeks by liking us on Facebook<> and following us on Twitter<> (@MC_IMR)!
For more information, please contact In Media Res at [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> or email the Coordinating Editor, Alisa Perren, at [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>.
The In Media Res Team
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