----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Then they shouldn't have lent their names to the project for the initial
announcement in a public forum! We wouldn't, perhaps, have responded.
Where does responsibility start?
On Wed, 15 Mar 1995 [log in to unmask] wrote:
> First, the publication project for which
> these people submitted proposals has no connection to the Literature/
> Film Quarterly.. . . There is no basis for calling it irresponsible.
> Secondly, Jim Welsh was not the person designated to receive or respond
> to the book proposals. At the time all this was going on he was in fact
> teaching in eastern Europe.
> Making accusations against the wrong people is certainly irresponsible
> and all the more regrettable when it's done in a public forum.
> Kathryn Kalmanson
> [log in to unmask]