J. Roy Hunt - cinematographer
Sun, 6 Nov 1994 08:31:47 CST
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
I have just seen "Crossfire" (l947) directed by Edward Dmytryk. I am
interested in finding out more about the cinematographer J. Roy Hunt. So
far I have learned that he was born in l876, filmed 158 films, built his
own electric car and a bus that ran on charcoal gas. He was a specialist
in film noir low key lighting. I found his films listed in Masters of
Lens and Light by William Darby and othe information in Edward Dmytryk's
autobiography. However, I have not been able to find him listed in
Directory of Cinematographers or other directories, where he lived, where
he was born etc. He also did a lot of work for RKO, Columbia and
Paramount. One well known film he worked on was The Virginian (l929).
His last film seems to be The Juggler (l953) at age 77. I would greatly
appreciate it if anyone can suggest where I might be able to find more
information. Thanks.
Queens University