Re: HOllywood Endings
Mon, 1 Feb 1999 12:51:45 -0500
There are many Hollywood films that change endings, usually to make them
happier. The one I think of as emblematic is The Natural: in the book he
strikes out; in the movie he hits a tremendous home run.
With regard to A Clockwork Orange, it's important to note that there are two
versions of the book--British and American--with different endings ( I
forget which one the film is closest to). The common paper edition of the
novel prints both endings. On that same topic, Dickens's Great Expectations
has two very different endings. The David Lean film differs a good deal
from either of them, though the more recent Gwyneth Paltrow adaptation has
some parallels to the oiriginally published ending.
Chris Ames
Agnes Scott College
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