Re: Wim Wenders' angels
Sun, 19 Feb 1995 11:38:23 CST
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Having just had the pleasure of screening Wim Wenders rarely seen diary film
Notebook On Cities and Clothes, a colleage commented: does Wenders refer to
angels in all his movies? Perhaps due to a mid-life crisis?
-There is an article in CINEASTE 16:4 (1988) called "Angels., History, and
Poetic Fantasy". Also check Film/Literature Index, Wenders is widely
interviewed and there are several books out on him. Good Luck.
Darrell Varga, York Univ. Grad Programme, [log in to unmask]
On Feb 17, 3:49pm, Erica Hurwitz u wrote:
> Subject: Wim Wenders' angels
> ----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> Hi,
> I just joined this list in hopes of getting some help on a paper I'm
> writing as part of my Masters in Religion and Culture (aside from a
> general interest in film, and the hope of producing documentaries in the
> near future). The paper I'm working on is abour the angels in "Wings of
> Desire" and "Faraway, So Close". Does anyone know of any good interviews
> with Wim Wenders? Or has anyone ever done any research into the
> background of his conception of angels and their relationship to humans,
> the world and God? I would appreciate any and all suggestions offered.
> Thanks!
> Erica Hurwitz
> Wilfrid Laurier University
> Waterloo, ON
> [log in to unmask]
>-- End of excerpt from Erica Hurwitz u