Re: Still Images in Films
Thu, 28 Sep 2000 10:29:48 +1000
From Freda Freiberg, Melbourne, Australia:
Two wonderful films based on still images I can recommend are: Jutta Bruckner's
Tue Recht und scheue niemand! Ein deutsches Frauenleben 1915-1975 (Do Right and
fear no-one: A German woman's life 1915-1975), which juxtaposes her mother's
memoirs with the photographs of August Sander, in an experimental feminist
documentary; and La Jetee (Chris Marker), an experimental sci-fiction fiction
by a master of the essay-film, constructed out of a series of stills.
Henry Breitrose wrote:
> A student is interested in examining the techniques of using still images
> in films. Some examples are CITY OF GOLD and THE CIVIL WAR, composed solely
> of still images, MAN WITH THE MOVIE CAMERA and BLOW-UP, in which still
> images play a major diegetic role. My student and I would appreciate
> suggestions of other examples.
> -Henry Breitrose
> Department of Communication
> Stanford University
> ----
> Screen-L is sponsored by the Telecommunication & Film Dept., the
> University of Alabama:
Screen-L is sponsored by the Telecommunication & Film Dept., the
University of Alabama: