Tue, 17 Jan 1995 14:12:42 CST
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
From the Winter 1995 issue of People For The American Way:
"If you believe in PBS, call 1-800-CPB-2190 [same as 1-800-272-2190], the
congressionally mandated comment line that has been overwhelmed by
opponents. Tell them that you oppose Speaker Gingrich's plan to "privatize"
The call is free, nicely set up (the Press 1, Press 2... system works very
well and fast).
Please note the "privatizing" starts with cutting off funding. That what
PBS does is NOT what some cable channels - albeit often very good -- offer
us. That in spite of minimal bows in the direction of sponsors, PBS is free
of commercials. That of all "developed" countries, the USA is the one with
the tiniest support for the arts, even in the best of times. That, among
many other items, a movie like the justly much-applauded HOOP DREAMS would
not have been made without (among other sponsors) the help of PBS.
And that Newtgrinch's "Contract with America," in this respect at least,is
like taking a "Contract on America," the termination with extreme prejudice
of a big slice of culture in this country.
Please take a very few minutes and call.