Oz/How Old is Dorothy?
Mon, 23 Sep 1996 12:50:24 -0400
To our screen-L colleagues:
In surveying narrative film about children for our annual winter series
(Boston Institute for Psychotherapy, Jan-Mar '97), the question has arisen
How old is Oz's Dorothy? Not by the Baum book, not by anything you can look
up, but as received by you from watching the movie? I welcome any responses,
with brief supporting remarks if you have the time. Email directly to us at
AAI, please, unless you feel Screen-L really ought to know, too. Many
Bet MacArthur MSW
Dir/Film Projects
Arts Analysis Institute
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Mass: (617) 455 6189
Los Angeles: (310) 313 5059
Online: [log in to unmask]
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