Call for Proposals: Information Literacy through the Streets of Hollywood
Thu, 4 Feb 2010 11:39:31 -0500
[We apologize for cross posting]
Call for Proposals: Information Literacy through the Streets of Hollywood
We are soliciting short lesson plans or supporting activities for a book
we are writing for Library Instruction Publications. In this publication
we plan to highlight activities that foster and encourage critical
thinking as it relates to information literacy, film, and other video
media. These activities will focus on teaching conceptual and
transferable information literacy competencies. As teachers we appreciate
and eagerly embrace instructional techniques and devices that engage
students in the learning process. From our experience, we have observed
that students are very receptive to the use of film and other visual media
in instructional sessions. Since we teach information literacy courses, we
know that many films contain excellent examples relating to essential
components of the information literacy curriculum. In many of our classes,
we utilize this medium to teach students the fundamental aspects of
information literacy. Each lesson plan or learning activity will follow
the format previously used in the Active Learning Series. Authors will
organize their lesson plans with sections titled Circumstances of the
Instruction, Objectives of the Instruction, and Components of the
Instruction. Supplementary materials such as handouts and worksheets will
accompany the text. The book will include a Table of Contents as well as
an index listing each type of activity for easy access.
List of possible topics and activities incorporating lesson plans include
but are not limited to:
1: Film & determining the extent of information needed.
Students determine the extent of information they need. They do this by
defining and articulating the need for information; identifying different
types and formats of possible information sources; consider the cost and
benefits of acquiring this information; and reevaluate the nature and
extend of the information needed.
2. Film & accessing the needed information effectively and efficiently.
Students learn to access effectively and efficiently their informational
needs. They do this by selecting appropriate investigative methods or
retrieval systems for accessing information; constructing and implementing
effective search strategies; retrieving information either online or in
person, as appropriate; refining search strategies if necessary; and
extracting, recording and managing the information and its sources.
3. Film & evaluating information and its sources critically.
Students learn to critically evaluate information needed. They do this by
summarizing the central idea to be extracted from gathered information;
articulates and applies initial criteria for evaluating the information
and its sources; synthesizes main idea to construct new concepts; compares
new knowledge with prior knowledge unique characteristics of information;
determines whether the new knowledge impacts the individual’s value system
and reconciles differences; and validates understanding and interpretation
of information through discourse with others.
4. Film & using information effectively to accomplish a specific purpose.
Students learn to use information effectively for a specific purpose. They
do this by applying new and prior information to the planning and creation
of a particular product; revising the development process for the product;
and effectively communicate the product to others.
5. Film & understanding the economic and legal issues surrounding the use
of information.
information. They do this by understanding and following the laws,
regulations, institutional policies, and etiquette related to the use of
6. Film & understanding the ethical and social issues surrounding the use
of information.
Students learn about the ethical and social issues surrounding the use of
information. They do this by understanding and following the laws,
regulations, and institutional policies related to privacy, censorship,
and copyright with regards to information.
7. Making your own videos to support film &Information Literacy.
By creating films, students become more fluent with the technical and
organizational aspects of film/web technology. In addition, by developing
information literacy-based content through media, they will have a better
understanding of the topic.
8: Incorporating Outtakes:
By using film bloopers or outtakes (errors made when actors are filming),
fact inaccuracies, and editing mistakes, students will learn to actively
think critically about the medium and the way in which information is
9: Incorporating the use of film &Information Literacy in
discipline-related instruction:
By using films in discipline-based Information Literacy, students will
learn about subject content complemented by Information Literacy skills.
They will learn how to access as well as analytically assess and evaluate
this medium in the context of the discipline.
10: Incorporating film festivals (local, national or international):
By using film festivals in instruction, students learn about film
initiatives at a broader level. They will get a better understanding of
topical and/or genre details.
Each lesson plan should be about two or three pages explaining the purpose
of the activity, how it is implemented in the class or in an online
environment, and how it is assessed. The lesson plan might be enhanced
with hand-outs, charts, or illustrations. Longer lesson plans are
acceptable, if necessary.
In addition to lesson plans, other topics of interest may be explored
regarding supporting activities for the use of film and media and
information literacy; some possible topics are:
1. Using your library to support film & Information Literacy:
Instructors learn how to take advantage of the various mechanisms that
their library can use to support the teaching of Information Literacy
through the use of film. This can range from simply borrowing from the
library’s video collection to using high-end audio-video editing software
and digital camcorders for recording and editing films.
2. Using film clips:
Instructors learn how to edit and manipulate small segments of either
existing films or home-made film to teach principles of Information
3. Incorporating Internet short films & videos:
Instructors learn how to incorporate Internet shorts into teaching
Information Literacy by using resources such as the Moving Image Archive
or CineMedia. They will also learn techniques for search the Internet to
find quality video and avoiding worthless or questionable material.
4. Using documentaries:
Instructors learn how to use documentaries in teaching Information
Literacy. Documentaries come from an array of sources: independents,
professions, government, home-made, etc. They will learn where to find and
how to properly edit and manipulate the film and video.
5. Other topics you might think would be of interest!
March 12, 2010-Deadline for proposals
April 9, 2010-Final notification of proposal acceptance
May 21, 2010-Deadline for chapters
Please contact either of us with questions or suggestions for lesson plans
or supporting activities. If you have more than one learning activity that
fits the criteria, you may submit each idea as a separate lesson plan or
supporting activity.
Carol Anne Germain
Networked Resources Education Librarian
University at Albany, State University of New York
University Libraries
1400 Washington Avenue
Albany, New York 12222
E-mail: [log in to unmask]
Voice: 518.442.3590
Gerald T. Burke
Bibliographer of Humanities
University at Albany, State University of New York
University Libraries
1400 Washington Avenue
Albany, New York 12222
E-mail: [log in to unmask]
Voice: 518.442.3592
Screen-L is sponsored by the Telecommunication & Film Dept., the
University of Alabama: