In Media Res - Halloween Special week
Mon, 31 Oct 2016 10:56:34 +0000
This week's In Media Res theme focus is Halloween (October 31 - November 4).
Here's the lineup:
Monday, October 31 - Laura Wilson (University of Manchester) presents "Affective Horror of the Found Footage Anthology."
Tuesday, November 1 - Hannah Scharlin-Pettee presents "Monster of Monsters: Rendering the Abject in Magic: the Gathering."
Wednesday, November 2 - Leanne Weston (University of Warwick) presents "Harmonies of Discord: Pop Oldies and Horror Trailers."
Thursday, November 3 - Ella Tucan (Wayne State University) presents " 'Just Leave Me to Do My Dark Bidding on the Internet': How the Undead Live at Home in What We Do in the Shadows."
Friday, November 4 - Eric LeMay (Ohio University) presents "Our Skittles, Ourselves: Candy as Consumable Culture."
Theme week organized by Ethan Tussey (Georgia State University).
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