Mon, 20 Feb 1995 16:55:40 CST
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Hmmm...seems to me that if they really want to cut the budget deficit, they
[Senators, etc.] should be willing to give up half their salaries and 90% of
their perks.
And maybe even their ability to stay in office until they are too old and
feeble to see what the American public wants and needs.
PBS brings a lot of great programming to areas that have a limited number of
commercial TV and radio stations. Not only that, it seems kind of obvious
that our elected leaders don't watch a heck of a lot of PBS programming, if
they did, perhaps they could come up with something a bit more intelligent
sounding than, 'it's elitist programming. Rush Limbaugh is public
I, for one, would much rather watch Masterpiece Theater than Rush Limbaugh!