Re: purchasing video of Humperdinck opera
Mon, 19 Jul 1993 14:12:52 -0400
Dear HM & any other Screen-L'ers looking for a copy of H&G (!),
There are any number of places to purchase a copy of Hansel & Gretel, but
in case you want to maximize your Kitsch-purchasing power, you might want
to call Facets Video, which is selling the astonishingly overdetermined
and, I suppose, unwittingly camp Met production ("filmed on Christmas
Day, 1982") at a discount: only $22.95. The (VHS format) order number is
S02629, and the Facets phone number is 800-331-6197. Other places to call
would be any opera company book/record/cd/video shop, including, for
example, the SF Opera Gift Shop or the Met Gift Shop - the latter's phone
# is 212/ 580-4090. Both carry a variety of video productions, not just
in-house productions. I hope that's helpful.
By the way, this response seems to open up a further area of discussion
for the question of gender-bending, for cross-dressing in opera is, of
course, another realm where "passing" is at issue, even if the issue is
largely suppressed in operatic criticism... But that's another posting.
David Levin
Dept of German
Columbia University
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