Learning to Kiss from Movies/search
Mon, 24 Apr 1995 10:21:27 CDT
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
To our SCREEN-L colleagues:
We hope for your help in locating an amusing short essay, which was
published in the past 2 - 3.5 years in a commercial movie magazine, such as
(US) Movieline or Premiere, or perhaps in a general commercial periodical
such as (NY USA) The Village Voice, or GQ, or Esquire --
The topic of the essay was (paraphrased as) "How much of what you
know about kissing was learned from watching movies, vs. how much from the
real-life experience of your 'teens and '20's?"
Please email me with any leads, via Screen-L or privately at
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Ray Ishigata Arts Analysis Inst Cambridge Mass'tts USA
Mass 617 455 6189 Los Angeles 310 313 5059