Fri, 2 Dec 1994 15:38:17 CST
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Dear Jeremy Butler: Could you please post this to your discussion group if
you think it appropriate. Thank you.
I am interested in compiling a list of scholars and other interested
persons engaged in teaching, researching, writing or just thinking about
Australian Film --or who are interested in doing so, especially writing
I am especially anxious to learn of anyone with particular interest in the
textual or contextual examination of individual feature films of the New
Australian Cinema.
Rather than only contacting practicing academics, I would like to contact a
broad range of interested persons, including post graduate students,
industry professionals and journalists and free-lance writers on the area.
A reply to the e-mail address indicating name, type of interest and/or
work/publications/research activity in Australian film would be greatly
Neil Rattigan, University of New England, Armidale 2351.
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