Re: dubbing/ADR
Sun, 15 Dec 1996 21:44:10 +0100
At 12:01 13.12.96 -0500, Murray Pomerance wrote:
>I think Robert
>Kolker's dubbing of adr as addition dialogue replacement misses by a
>notch; it's additional dialogue recording, which opens more doors but
>certainly includes replacement. We seem to be searching for authenticity
>here, don't we.
On the Convergence editor I earned my bread from in the early 80's, ADR
stood for Automatic Dialogue Replacement. When started, the editing machine
went in loop, and repeatedly recorded the same piece of the soundtrack.
Thereby the actors had a chance to rehearse their lines over and over, till
we decided that it fit.
Later came computer-assisted systems that kept the original sound, and
digitally and automatically edited the dubbed lines to fit exactly to the
speed, length and timing of the original. If it worked, I don't know, but it
sounded like a great idea at the time!
Bjorn Aas, TV-lecturer, Danvik Folkehogskole, N-3046 Drammen, Norway
(Danvik School of Media and Communication)
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