Position available - OU
Thu, 31 Oct 1996 09:36:51 CDT
POSITION: Director, School of Film; Associate/Full Professor - Tenure
AVAILABLE: July 1, 1997
SALARY: The salary is highly competive with excellent benefits.
RESPONSIBILITIES: The Director reports to the Dean, College of Fine
Arts and is responsible for the leadership, management and
administration of the many facets of the School of Film and its
programs. Teach in areas of interest/expertise.
QUALIFICATIONS: Demonstrated administrative leadership; experience in
higher education; terminal degree or equivalent professional
experience suitable to M.F.A. and M.A. programs in Film.
APPLICATION PROCESS: Applicants must submit 1) a letter of
application; 2) a vita; and 3) names, addresses, and telephone
numbers of five references. Send info to:
Dr Marilyn Bradshaw, Associate Dean
College of Fine Arts - Ohio University
Jennings House
54 East Union Street
Athens, OH 45701
DEADLINE: January 15, 1997
Web: http://www.ohiou.edu
Clint Yoby
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TCF Dept/University of Alabama
"Life could slip away in absent minded numbness
I'm only saying this 'cuz I wish for the best
When you stay in self-incarceration
I think it's such a shame.
Don't stay home..."
- 311
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