ScreenWritng Programs - on the net
Fri, 20 Sep 1996 20:57:39 -0700
I don't know if this is an appropriate post for this Mailing List or not,
but since it does have to do with Motion Pictures I thought that it
might. I hope that you are too mad at me if it isn't the kind of post
that belongs on this Mailing List.
I don't know if this subject has come up, and answered before or not,
but if it did I missed that digest for some reason. Probably because I was too
busy to read it or I messed up when it came to downloading it. What kind
of subject am I talking about? I am looking for screenwriting programs
that I can download, and use, from the internet. If there are any I
would greately appreaciate it if you were to tell me where they are, and
how I can download them.
I already know about script thing, and I have already downloaded it, but
it isn't much use to me. I can write all the scripts that I want to on
that program, but I can't save them or upload them to the internet.
Basically all the demo is is a learning too, and I already know how to
write scripts. I just need a program that I can use with my slow 286
instead of my word processor. I can use my word processor, but a
scriptwriting program would be a lot better, a lot easier, and more
I hope that you can help me, and I want to thank you in advance for any
help that you can give me.
Donald A. Johnson
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