NEW: WIW-L - Washington Independent Writers List
Tue, 27 Jan 1998 13:12:22 -0500
WIW-L on [log in to unmask] Washington Independent Writers List
WIW-L is the electronic mailing and discussion list of Washington
Independent Writers (WIW), a non-profit, professional organization based
in Washington, D.C., for independent writers, editors and journalists.
This list provides a place in cyberspace where writers can meet and
discuss writing-related issues and other topics of professional interest.
Although many other subjects can be discussed, this partial list of topics
gives some indication of the scope of WIW-L: free-lance writing; job
announcements; how to get published; obtaining and working with a literary
agent; working with editors; ethics; freedom of expression; copyright;
desktop publishing; reviews of new technologies and relevant computer
hardware and software; related workshops, seminars and contests; on-line
goodies of interest to writers and editors; the on-line news business; the
business of writing; narrative techniques in fiction; writing for the
health, medical and science markets; writing for technical markets; writing
for associations; writing for newspapers; writing for regional magazines;
writing for children; writing for government; writing for hire; how to
market and promote your work; alternative markets for your work; travel and
food writing; family and women's magazines; the corporate and business
marketplace; screenwriting; documentary production; editing; style manuals.
Archives of WIW-L mail items are kept in weekly files. You may obtain a
list of files in the archives by sending the one-line command
in the BODY of an e-mail message to [log in to unmask]
Individual files can then be retrieved by sending the one-line command
GET WIW-L filename
in the BODY of an e-mail message to [log in to unmask]
Free e-mail subscriptions can be obtained by sending e-mail to
[log in to unmask] and in the message BODY put just the line:
SUBSCRIBE WIW-L your-first-name your-last-name
For example: SUBSCRIBE WIW-L Ima Writer
(Please use your real name, not a computer ID or e-mail address.)
You can unsubscribe by sending e-mail to
[log in to unmask] and in the message BODY put just the line:
To post a message on WIW-L, send e-mail to [log in to unmask]
If you do not have time to subscribe now, these instructions can be
bookmarked at http://WWW.NET-WRITERS.ORG/listserv.htm
For help in subscribing or if you have any questions, contact the list
owners shown below or Washington Independent Writers, 220 Woodward
Building, 733 Fifteenth Street N.W., Washington, D.C. 20005 USA,
+1 (202) 347-4973, fax +1 (202) 628-0298, http://WWW.NET-WRITERS.ORG
Owners: Ken Reigner [log in to unmask]
Isolde Chapin [log in to unmask]
* * *
Fellow scribes: Please forgive the cross-posting as we formally launch
WIW-L. I hope you will be able to join us on-line and that you will find
the list useful. Kindly let me know if you have any questions or if I can
be of any further assistance.
Ken Reigner
Ken Reigner [log in to unmask]
Member, Board of Directors List Owner, WIW-L and WIW-JOBS
Chairman, Technology Committee [log in to unmask]
Washington Independent Writers [log in to unmask]
Screen-L is sponsored by the Telecommunication & Film Dept., the
University of Alabama.