Re: Monlogues for Young [Women]
Mon, 29 Apr 1996 23:04:13 -0400
On Thu, 25 Apr 1996, Jenny Gonzalez <[log in to unmask]>
> does anyone know of any good monologues for teenage-early
> 20's women?
One source is _Monologues for Young Actors_ (1994, Avon/Hearts) by Lorraine
There is also a series of paperbacks called _The ACtor's Scenebook_ (1984,
1990, Bantam) edited by Michael Schulman and Eva Mekler. These are excerpts
from Broadway, Off-Broadway and london/West End contemporary plays.
There is a bbs for actors, [log in to unmask], c/o [log in to unmask], or
[log in to unmask]
You might try getting on there and asking the question again.
Good luck, "A piece of material that
Bet MacArthur engages me emotionally,
Arts Analysis Institute that is the coin of the
Cambridge, Massachusetts realm---emotion.
In Los Angeles: (310) 313 5059 'Invention' is not
In Mass: (617) 455 6189 as important as
Online: [log in to unmask] 'investment.' You
don't have to be all that
smart. You really just have to
be there, and give of yourself."
-- Harrison Ford
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