Bhaji on the Beach and Hitler: A Film...
Sun, 8 Jan 1995 11:44:18 CST
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Thanks to all who responded to my request for information on Bhaji on the
Beach and Hitler: A Film From Germany. They are both available (PAL
format only) from:
Channel Video Films
58 Salusbury Road
London NW6 6ND
Tel: 071-372-2025
FAX: 071-371-2072
Bhaji on the Beach 12.99 pounds sterling + postage
Hitler: A Film... 34.99 " " " "
By the way--do any of you have PAL or multi-format video players? If so
how much are they and what brands are recommended?
Kimberly Hale, Acquisitions/Serials Librarian
Columbia College Library
600 South Michigan Avenue Chicago, IL 60605
(312) 663-1600, x355 (voice) (312) 663-1707 (fax)