Huston's _Freud_
Thu, 16 Jul 1992 19:55:54 CDT
Hello folks,
I hope that those of you who have cable (and I hope all of you have cable)
caught John Huston's wacky _Freud_ (I'm tempted to append "The Movie") on
AMC these past few days. It's quite a remarkable movie, and apart from
Bob Dorian's (sp?) comments about the script debates and nutty Monty
Clift playing nutty Dr. Freud, I know little about it.
So I ask you all: does anyone know the story behind this movie? Why
did Huston put it together? It is quite a relic of the age of American
Freud, and Huston himself reads the bizarre introduction (as we peer
at what looks like the cosmos or the background of a black and white
impressionist painting, he tells us about the three modern geniuses:
Copernicus, Darwin, and Freud). Anyways, enough of all this: any
info out there?
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| chris amirault | |--==-- There, now -- I have created a ---..
| [log in to unmask] | |====-- "brick", at no cost to myself, --....
| | |-==--- it is the corner stone of my --...-.
| | |===--- wealth -- the foundation of my --....
\---------------------------\ |-----= monument of fame -- ---------..---...
\___________________________\|=-=-=-=-=-========-----..Geo. Herriman..-....