Screen Play help me!!!
Fri, 21 Apr 1995 15:49:02 CDT
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Dear List Members;
This is a queery for help with Screen Play writing.
I have attended many informative sessions on generating and
selling a Screen Play.
I am hoping you can help dis-spell some of the myths that I've
I am praying you can provide direction to Software and
I am entertaining the idea of a co-writter.
1) I have heard from many sources that the format and technical
directives must adhere to Hollywood standards. This includes
centering the character names to number of blank lines between
dialog lines and picture perfect punctuation.
a) Is this true? or has anybody ever sold an outline?
b) Where can I buy software for easing this task or do I
have to write it myself?
2) Agents, I hear they are mandatory. I also understand that
you are supposed to send them a letter (sp) no longer than
a paragraph, with less than 3 words about your work.
Any truth to that statement?
3) Has any one had any success/failures with co-writers?
Is any one interested in being a co-writer?
4) Please use the following space for solicited advice.
Cover any and all topics.
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