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September 1995, Week 2


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"Kristine J Butler (Kristine Butler)" <[log in to unmask]>
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Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 7 Sep 1995 18:04:12 -0600
text/plain (28 lines)
>I've been wondering how many examples there can be of the film
>equivalent of the unreliable narrator.  (This was prompted by a recent
>movie that i won't name so that its surprises won't be spoiled.)
I'm a bit late responding to Lang Thompson's question (been out of town),
but two films come to mind, one of which has already been mentioned.
However, I'll mention it again, since there seems to be a connection in
both of "unreliability" as madness.  Gilliam's _Brazil_ is one, and the
other is the Quebecois film _Leolo_ (can't remember the director's name).
Both have narrators who go insane at the end, though Leolo's is more
explicit, since there is a voice over that periodically interjects itself
throughout the film.
Kristine J. Butler
Department of French and Italian
University of Minnesota
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