in re the ongoing flap about griffith, and the larger
question of separating the film-maker from the racist . . .

can we not agree to honor the development  of
continuity editing without honoring the person who
developed it? . . . can we not recognize ezra pound's
contributions to poetry while repudiating the vile human
who bore the name ezra pound? . . .  does the fact that
richard wagner was a generally reprehensible kinda guy
make his music any less remarkable?

i think d.h. lawrence [another not so nice guy] was right
in reminding us to "never trust the teller, trust the tale" . . .

. . . of course there will be those who maintain that to the
extent that continuity editing or *tristan und isolde* did
nothing to feed the starving, redistribute wealth, or
advance other admittedly admirable political or social
goals,  they are of no interest or value . . . and of course
they have a powerful ally in plato . . . but my guess is
that such people are unlikely to be hanging around a
film list . . . if you're reading this you probably care about
what i hope we might agree to call "the art of film" and if
you care about that it seems inappropriate to  require
that that art be the servant of other more immediately
political agendas . .

mike frank

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